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Futurama is a renowned American animated science fiction sitcom, crafted by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The narrative centers around Philip J. Fry, a pizza delivery boy from late-20th-century New York City, who accidentally ends up cryogenically frozen for a millennium. Upon awakening in the vibrant retro-futuristic 31st century, Fry discovers a new life working at Planet Express, an intergalactic delivery service.
While conceptualizing Futurama in the mid-1990s, Groening collaborated with David X. Cohen to refine the show's storylines and characters, ultimately pitching it to Fox. Airing from March 28, 1999, until August 10, 2003, the series captivated audiences with its unique blend of humor and imaginative storytelling. After its initial run, Futurama found a second life in reruns on Cartoon Network Games from 2003 to 2007.
In 2007, the series was rejuvenated with four direct-to-video films, culminating in the last release in early 2009. Comedy Central later collaborated with 20th Century Fox Television, resulting in the syndication of the original episodes and the production of 16 new half-hour segments, effectively forming a fifth season. In this whimsical universe, Fry’s adventures reflect an unconventional yet entertaining outlook on the future, inviting viewers to explore the galactic chaos alongside him while enjoying other fun games like Santa Girl runner.